Treyton is certianly my jolly (thankfully not green) giant! He continues to surpass where his brothers were at this age in both height and weight. His little developing personality is simply delightful. He has been trying to sit up for the last several weeks. It's so cute to see him straining in his carseat to try and sit up and look around. He is mesmorized with his brothers and ready to join the party! My little Trey is also cooing and smiling up a storm. We love to just sit and talk and smile at eachother. It's amazing how with each baby my love grows! Not only do I love this new little one fiercely, but I also love my bigger boys more as well!
Although daytime sleep has been regular for a while, night time sleeping really didn't start to set in until we moved him to the nursery about 2 weeks ago. He is a NOISY sleeper and once mommy couldn't hear all of his grunts and snorts, we all starting sleeping much better. He's so noisy, that one of his nicknames is "Snort". He now regularly has a 4.5-6.5 hour stretch and usually only wakes me up once at night to eat!
Here are his stats:
Treyton (14lbs; 24in)
Keegan (13lbs; 23.25in)
Xander (13lbs/8oz; 23in)
What a cutie!!