Friday, August 8, 2008

Birthdays pt 1

ok, Keegan kicks off crazy birthday week!

I LOVE this recipe for a Blueberry Buckle and decided to make it in springform pan so it had the appearance of a cake. We called it breakfast cake and sang to Keegan on the morning of his birthday! I experimented with adding part whole wheat, but found it to be a bit heavy. I've been using Red Winter wheat (since that is all that Sprouts carries) and I should be using Soft White or at the very least Hard White Wheat, which I plan on buying VERY soon. Let me know if anyone wants to go in with me on some as I will be buying it in bulk (along with possibly Kamut, Quinoa and Amaranth). sorry for the tangent...

He doesn't quite have the hang of the whole blowing candles out yet, so we all enjoyed breakfast cake with some Keegan spit. Yum.

That night for dinner, my family came over (minus Mom and Uncle Keith who were at Blackstone) and we had his favorite dinner - homemade pizza and yet more cake! He did much better with the candles then!

Here is Keegan enjoying his new dump truck! He loved all of his gifts so much, he didn't know quite what to play with first...

More birthday craziness to follow...

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