Saturday, September 20, 2008

Beach Time

After having such a wonderful time last year in Oceanside, we decided to return! Mima and Pa flew over and joined us for a wonderful 5 days!

Of course it was not all blissful. Traveling with three little kids isn't the easiest thing. I find my definition of a vacation is changing. It is a lot of work for mom and dad. (Oh the things, you take for granted when you are a kid and even more so when you are a young adult...) All in all, it was a fun trip though and now that we are back in our own beds and well rested, only the good memories remain!

Our condo is right next to the beach and we took advantage of that many times each day!
One morning we toured several boats at the Maritime Museum. In my attempt to pack light, I only brought my ergo and on the boats, it would have been a lot less stressful, if Keegan, my wild-child, had been safely strapped to someone's back... Aside from running around after Keegan, we had so much fun exploring the old sailing boats and 1970's Russian sub. This will definitely be something I'll want to repeat in 5 years or so when the boys are older!

Anchor's Away!

Xander "steering" the ship!

Playing pirates!

My awesome MIL, with Trey on her back!

We enjoyed Sea World on our last day there. Fun, but exhausting! (Sidenote: I LOVE to have the boys match and usually try to at least not clash with them. It was hilarious however to find out that ALL of us adults had planned to wear red that day. Rich was mortified. And to be honest, it was a bit much for me too, but it made keeping track of everybody much easier!)

Getting ready to see Shamu!

Keegan was too tired by this point, to even want to go on a ride...

Mima and Xander enjoying a break from the sun as we watched our first ever 4-d movie! (See, I'm not a total no-TV nazi...)


  1. I love the pics. Especially the one with Mima and Trey. I don't feel sorry for Rich at all. Were you in red also?

  2. Sounds like a great vacation! It is funny to discover now how much "work" vacation is for parents. Makes me wish I had wined a lot less at Mom and Dad.

    I love all the beach photos! And yeah! for Mima carrying Trey!

  3. yup. we were ALL in red...

    I'm with you Bethy. I sure wish we had complained less and helped out more.
