Thursday, September 10, 2009

Umbrella Play

Since there hasn't been much "real" opportunity to need these, the boys have come up with creative exuses for pulling out the umbrella.

Pretending it's raining:
twirled umbrella = "Helihocker"
Shooting or utilizing a shield (or anything else battle related)
Going around the sun.
And then finally, he tried to step into it as if it was a boat.  I drew the line there. 

Umbrella's: a perfect open-ended play toy that occasionally can also be used to keep one dry here in Arizona.

Any other ideas on what we could do with our mostly useless umbrellas?


  1. You've missed the obvious! Playing "princess" under your parasol! ::wink::

  2. Being fairies hiding under mushrooms!

  3. Uhhh, fairies or princess'...not in my house:)

  4. hahahaha. I'll keep the princess and fairy ideas in mind for that hypothetical girl that might one day grace our home!
