Monday, March 15, 2010

Quiet Moments

Sometimes it is the quiet moments at home that are the most special.  We've been soaking up a few of those mornings lately and just enjoying hanging out as a family!

I'm not sure if this makes me a fun mommy or a bad one, but yes, there are certain tables in our house that I let them play on...

Watching Daddy fix curtains rods pulled from the wall.

Quiet mornings give me time to reflect and appreciate God's many gifts for us...  So I pick up my list again and join those who are taking time to count their blessings!

123. Gentle, but clear guidance from God.  He really does walk us through every step of the way.

124. Teaching me to see outside my own little life.

125. Giving me the chance to 'love one another' by giving up my life, my convenience in such a small way.

126. For friends that love me anyways.

127. For my parents that surprised us with not only a date night, but then kept the boys overnight!  It was so good to have time for just Rich and I to hang out!

128. For reminders to love my children like You love me - with great patience and mercy.

129. For my little boys who are learning to love our desert home as much as I have!

130. For an oldest who has stepped in as peacemaker in a sibling argument.

131. Getting to witness this same child freely give up what he wanted to do to make his brother happy.

132. For my creative boys who continue to delight me with their play.

133. For laundry and the opportunity it provides to reflect, ponder and listen to God.

134. For frozen homemade pizza dough that makes for a quick and easy dinner as needed!

135. Celebrating two wonderful years with my youngest!

holy experience

1 comment:

  1. Peacemaking siblings and overnight dates...well, your whole list is great. And a bad mom for allowing table climbing? No, that must make you pretty cool! My boys would love to have a table in the house just for climbing. :)
