Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where Art and Eating Meet

Playdough is so versatile!  This week we've been playing around with color mixing!  It is so much more fun to discover things for oneself than to just be told what's true...

So we set out to find out what happens when you mix blue and yellow.

It was hard work...

Mixing, mixing, mixing.

Look mom, it's the same color as peas! :)

And blue + red?

Our new colors inspired food-like thoughts...

And put everyone in the mood for a healthy snack!

The things I do to encourage healthy eating habits!

Our favorite playdough recipe (thanks Gin!)

1 c. flour
1/2 c salt
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 c water (room temp)
1 Tbsp veg oil
1 packet kool-aid (must be no sugar kind) or food dye

In saucepan, mix dry ingredients.  Add water, oil.
Cook over medium heat, stiring constantly about 3 minutes or until it pulls away from the pan. 
Knead and store in airtight container. 


  1. my mom always made homemade playdough! did they try to eat it too? I've heard other moms say that they use mint or other flavorings to make it more fun too.

  2. hahaha. I think all my kids have tried to eat it at one point or another! Thankfully, I think everyone has moved past that stage. Although Treyton is full of surprises!

    The koolaid adds both color and smell! At Christmas I usually just use green food dye, glitter and pepermint extract for more festve version! Peppermint is the ony one I've tried.

    There are so may fun ways to mix it up. I'd love to hear of other idea.

  3. What a great idea! My boys love helping in the kitchen and playing with play dough! Following from Hip Homeschool Hop!
