Monday, May 24, 2010

Ten Years

Well, I guess it's official.  We probably aren't considered newlyweds anymore, right?  Rich and I celebrated 10 years of marriage this last week.  It's been a whirlwind and I can't believe how fast it's flown by and how much has changed.

Marriage is a gift.  Rich is a gift.  Sometimes I don't think it is, but that doesn't change the truth.  We've experienced ups and downs, for better or worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health.  Our little family of 'us' has grown from 2 becoming 1 to now 5!   We are both the better for it!

(engagement picture, Fall 1999)
I still get all giddy when I think back to those first "butterflies" I felt when leaning over to tell my friend Rich something at a movie.  It was in February 1998.  The butterflies started up.  I was shocked.  This was Rich, my good friend Rich.  And yet somehow it was different...

And here we are 12 years later - married with three little boys racing circles around us!

So many gifts to count

*He listens to all of my ideas!
*He is a realist and keeps me (the idealist and visionary) grounded.
*He is loyal and steadfast.  We are in this for the long-haul - till death parts us and I know he will not waver.
*He keeps me humble.  (Although, I'll never give up at besting him at strategy or card games.)
*He still gives me goosebumps!
*He brings laughter into our home.
(costume party in 1998)
*He is a good sport and participates in my schemes!
*His understated leadership. 
*His "firm grasp of the obvious."
*He doesn't complain. 
*He is confident and self assured in a way that doesn't need other people to know or praise what he's done.
*The 'growing me up' that marriage has accomplished.

Life is rich and sweet!

holy experience