Thursday, September 23, 2010

Begging for Broccoli

They did, they really did.  This is definitely an occasion for pulling out the milestone books for the kids.

We discovered a gem of a book this summer on nutrition.  The kids love it and what's even better they 'get' it!  Sorry for the sneak peak, but you'll just have to wait until next week when I'm ready to divulge my secret and talk about our foray into nutrition!  With flu season and holiday sweets right around the corner, I can't imagine a better time to learn about health and nutrition! 

After reading the book again this last week, Keegan was so excited about going shopping for veggies!  He specifically requested broccoli.  He was actually begging for it!  Hahahaha...  In his excitement about the super healing power of vitamin c, he forgot his dislike of this particular veggie.

Excitement is contagious!

Although new tastes have yet to be fully acquired...

Still, they are talking non-stop about the super-powers of good food! 
And they are convinced that their muscles are bigger already! 

Can't you tell?

p.s. Don't ask why I had a grasshopper and bumblebee to dinner tonight.  We aren't quite sure ourselves.


  1. Hi Heather,
    I've been enjoying reading your posts and can't wait to hear about your book discovery next week.
    I am now your 51st follower, lovely blog!

