Monday, September 20, 2010

Night Cap

Even after the most difficult or challenging day or maybe just one that was delightfully full I find the perfect 'night cap' in checking on my sleeping children before I turn in for the night!

As I watch my boys peacefully sleep, for oftentimes this is the only time when they are 'still', I find my heart drawn to God.  I marvel at these precious gifts.  Each one is unique, a person created in the image of God.  Each one is on loan to us to raise and love. 

I can't help but stop and pray for them.  I pray for their protection.  I pray for wisdom and direction for us as parents.  I pray that God would capture their hearts and that they would run after Him.  I pray that they would listen to His call for whatever it is that He has ordained for them to do on this earth. 

Sometimes I don't know what to pray for, yet I still pray...  The Spirit knows even what I can't put into words and voice. 

I stop and listen.  God speaks.  In the stillness of night, with the noise of the day at a standstill, I hear.  Peace reigns - his perfect peace.
I marvel at how this simple act of looking in on sleeping boys can draw me to the God who created them.  I am grateful that I can collapse into bed enjoying sweet fellowship with my heavenly Father!

So I continue to count the countless gifts that God has showered on me:

holy experience
392. Three sleeping boys to check on each night.
392. A hubby who is as captivated by this nightly ritual as I am.
393. Times of communion with God as we pray for our children.
394. Sleep.  It truly is a gift from God.
395. The opportunity to learn alongside my boys.
396. The sight of our boys learning to play the didgeridoo
397. The sweet friend who loaned us her didgeridoo while we explored Australia!
398. A timely email from a friend with encouragement and insight into an area that we've been seeking guidance.
399. A delightful time with new homeschool mom's and the formation of a group for those with preschoolers/kindergartners.
400. an unexpected email that brought back sweet memories and presents opportunity!  


  1. What a precious time to pray for those sweet boys! :)

  2. Love your list! I love bedtime too. There's something about those sweet, innocent sleeping faces.

  3. I do this too-look at my sleeping boys. Love it. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Counting along with you ... As always a joy to splash in thankfulness all around.


  5. I loved this post Heather. So good. Thanks for the reminders.
