Sunday, November 21, 2010

Gift of Seasons

 I've seen this floating around the internet for a while.  It always makes me chuckle and yes, I usually cry at the ending.  Life with toddlers and preschoolers can be stressful at times.  Motherhood is most certainly of the 24 hour, labor-intensive variety.

But as I was showing my mom the original music video that this video spoofs, I was struck by the stark difference between the {unrealistic} fairy tale and the {beautiful, but sometimes chaotic} reality.  Without a moments hesitation, I found myself whispering - "I choose 'real life'.  I choose the here and now!"

Every season has its beauty and challenges.  I wouldn't want to change one thing about the season I'm in and I'm reminded to cherish every moment.  By the time I blink, we'll be in the next one...

So I take the time to once again, peck out my gratitude list. As I do, I find myself content and joyful in the circumstances in which I've been placed.

holy experience

473. The habit of gratitude.  It helps me see the beauty -both obvious and hidden, all around me.
474. The beautiful chaos - that is a home with three little boys.  I choose that over a 'fairy-tale' life any day.  475. Reality, with all of it's flaws!
476. A hubby who loves our stage in life as much as I do.
477. Fresh grace for each day.
478. Mom's and Mother-in-laws who step in to 'save the day' and give hubby and I a night here and there to reconnect!
479. Wonderful [home] moments with my hubby this week.

480. Getting to finally use these dishes that my wonderful mother-in-law gave me.
481. Gathering with grace-filled women at our first monthly 'early years' homeschool support group meeting!
482. Praying to bless the women with what I shared and finding myself doubly blessed in return.  
483. Getting a 'bow-hunting' lesson from our hunter-extraordinaire friend at our Thanksgiving co-op day.
484. My ultra-boy Trey into the target practicing while sporting girly pink flip-flops.
485. Homemade butter.
486. Enjoying my first 'real' game of Candy Land with my Trey-Trey. 
487. Getting featured on The Crafty Crow!
488. Getting a call from my excited sister to let me know that one of her favorite design bloggers was raving on her blog and over at the parenting blog, Babble about my Mayflower Walnut tutorial!
489. Watching my kids play with their walnut Mayflower boats, over and over and over again!
490. Catching my 2.5 year old pulling out our Global Twister map and sailing his Mayflower boat around, chanting - "Water, land, water, land."  (Everybody is learning something!)
491. Second Coming conversations with my oldest.
492. Eager little prayer warriors.
493. Being surrounded with child faith.
494. Quick and decisive answers to prayer on our hunt to complete Xander's costume for his play.
495. Unexpected, spontaneous sharing amongst brothers.
496. Joyful obedience! 
497. Quiet early morning moments with the Lord.
498. Scripture Memory work - mom too, not just the kids. (My head hurts, for the very best of reasons.)
499. The Holy Spirit's nudge in the midst of laundry.
500. Anticipation of getting to see family.



  1. Hi Heather,
    I so enjoy your blog, but this post was special. :) I love the joyful bright dishes from your mom-in-love and those walnut vessels make me miss my little boys so much. It's fun to eavesdrop on your lovely thankful list.
    Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving week! (grateful still for you and your mom's investment into our group on Park day!)
    Katie K

  2. i just finished writing about being a mother-in-law on my blog. It is so heart warming to see and hear how your mother-in-law fits into your life. I always love reading your gratitudes:) they bring back memories and remind me of all that i am grateful for. I love you.

  3. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Katie and Peggy,

    I am incredibly blessed. And I just love the term mother-in-love. That is truly what she is. I pray that I can be a wonderful and supportive mother-in-love to the future 'daughters' I'll someday get!

  5. What a great post! The video made me cry, too. I'm so grateful for my romeo who never(almost never)forgets forgets that I"m his princess.

  6. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and visit me! Lovely to "meet" you! I've scrolled down and read through your posts to this one. What a wonderful life you have!! Oh, the time FLIES by tooooo fast!!!! Enjoy every. single. minute. with those little men of yours...very soon they will be taller than you and eat more than your husband ever did! LOL!! How precious these days are....I cannot stress THAT enough. :) We have three boys and the LORD gave us a girl at the bottom of the heap...that's an adventure too. ;-)

    Blessings to you!
    Have a wonderful week!
    In Him,

    P.S. Congrats on reaching 500 and'll be at 1000 before you know it!
