Monday, February 28, 2011

Multi-Level Teaching

Multi-level teaching definitely has its benefits when you have more than one school-aged child because it decreases the number of subjects you need to teach/oversee/grade/etc...  I also love how it fosters a natural learning environment because the entire family is participating.  (I counted going to see The Kings Speech as one of my learning pursuits in our current study of Kings and Queens!)

But there are also huge benefits for the younger one's as well.

As I mentioned in my first post of this series on Integrating Little One's into the Learning Journey, we pretty much integrate everyone into all learning in our house with the exception of spelling/phonics and math.  Outside of those two, we pursue hands-on unit studies.  Treyton at 2 years old participates just as the other boys do. 

Of course, his attention span is shorter and sometimes he 'chooses' to go off and play, but usually he wants to be in on the action.  I think a key for this age is welcoming them, but not requiring them to participate.  I expect Keegan (at 4.5) to participate with almost everything, but occasionally he will even lose interest and is released.  This happened two weeks ago when we were reading The Prince and the Pauper.  I guess the story line was a bit too complex (or maybe the allure of the sunny day outside just proved too intense...).

Our overall theme for the semester is obedience.  It has been a much needed lesson for everyone, mommy included.  During a recent dramatization of Abraham's call to obedience, the two year old took center stage as Isaac.  The four year old was in one of those moods and only wanted to moniter the ram and play the part of God.  (hmmmmmmm...)  Xander as the eldest and 'dramatic one' of the family played the part of Abraham.
Treyton was thrilled with his big role and it was precious to witness what he remembered from our Bible reading, either on his own or with the eager help from his brothers.

He loved getting to add his creative input to the collection of props.  (I believe the golf club 'sticks' here his contribution to the alter recreation.)

I am always amazed at what the kids will remember from these hands-on lessons, even months or years later!

Just this last week I had one of those amazing 'they really are learning things' moments.  February was my month to teach in our PE co-op.  Since Treyton is too young to participate, he stayed with me. 

As I was overseeing a game, he trotted over to me and assertively told me - "You the daddy penguin."  "I the baby penguin."  He then proceeded to perch on top of my feet to watch the game. 

I was amazed.  We had studied Antarctica and penguins during our geography explorations last summer.  He was only 28 months old and yet, months later, he could remember details from our activities.  In addition to the parental/child relationship, he remembers what they ate, who their predators are and if given a map can point to the right continent. 

Really, at two?  Just because he tagged along?  Not only is relationship fostered and a 'love' for learning growing, but they actually remember stuff too!

Next up in my series on Integrating Little One's into the Learning Journey: Special Toys/Activities – what we do during math/phonics times.


  1. Thank you so much for posting these! I am going to give homeschooling a whirl next year and I have to admit I'm quaking in my boots a bit. These posts are very encouraging!

  2. they do remember stuff! I love hearing my younger girls talk about things while they are playing that I was teaching/reading to my older daughter. one of the best things of homeschooling! I love when they learn together! :) visiting from the hop!

  3. Hi! I'm visisting from HHH. I love your pictures, so cute! I enjoy teaching my children together as well.

  4. So glad to see you featured on HHH! I am finally making it to your sweet blog and love it! I have two boys and a girl. I love it when we take/make time to let them act out what they are learning! Such a joy!!

    Thank you for this sweet/amazing post!


  5. found you from the HHH and I love your blog, your homegrown ideas and the pics of your sweet little ones.

  6. Another great post. How precious that you are including all your little ones in the learning and that you are teaching them about God's Word and HIS ways...such a blessing!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
