Monday, April 25, 2011

Cultivating Character... in me?

I've always known of the great privilege we as parents would have in training our children and helping to shape and mold their character.  But I was not at all prepared for what a work God had in store on my own heart...

Can anyone else relate?

I remember a few years ago having a discussion in the car with my boys about lying.  I don't remember all of the circumstances leading up to this conversation, but I was giving clarification on what lying was and had just started in on explaining white lies and leaving truth out to protect yourself.  By this point, I probably totally lost Keegan (then barely 3) and I'm not sure how much Xander was getting.  {My eyes were on the road, after all.}  But the lesson certainly wasn't lost on me.  I was convicted in so many areas where I had 'fudged' on the truth to protect myself or my reputation.  It was one of those 'ouch' moments when I realized that my kids were witness to my entire life and inconsistencies in not living out what I was preaching would be glaringly obvious. 

That was the day that I learned that character development wasn't just a 'me imparting to them' thing.  God was using parenting as a means of character development for me too.  Homeschooling simply puts that into overdrive since we are spending every day, all day with our children.

Just this weekend, we were discussing patience in the car.  {Funny how many of our spiritual conversations take place in the car...}  Our curriculum is character based and our current unit centers on the trait of patience.  The boys were sharing ways they had or had not been patient that week.  Meanwhile, I'm in a dreamy state as I pulled into the garage, thinking how wonderful it is to see them excited about growing in these areas when Keegan pulls a fast one on me.
He loudly announces that Aunt B and I had NOT been very patient the week before when trying natural dyes for Easter eggs.  He pointed out our frustration over the cabbage infused purple dye and our complaining that it wasn't working when we simply needed to be patient...

We had noted his extraordinary patience, but had no idea that he has noted our lack of it.


They notice - EVERYTHING.  I'm so thankful for children's unabashed honesty and opportunities for growth.  I'm thankful that we don't have to be fake in front of them (because we can't).  I can tell them that I'm a work in progress too.  I'm thankful for the opportunity to point them to the one that can help us change and enable growth! 

I'm thankful to be a parent.

And so I continue to jot down my list of gratitude as I make way towards 1,000!

Gifts 753-766

Spiritual conversations with my children.

Awakening of interest in the Lord with my second son!

Singing "What Can Wash Away Our Sins" duets with my oldest - in the privacy of our own home, of course.

Hearing my 3 year old crawl up in Oma's lap during church on Sunday and in whispers walking her through his heart lesson.  (He was fussy that day and I didn't think he really got much out of it.)

Celebrating outside with hundreds on a breezy Easter morning!

A three year old desperately trying to down dinner so he can have some dessert.

Finally getting a family picture where everyone is sort of looking in the general direction of the camera and smiling!


  1. Too cute! Oh...they do not miss a thing!! :)

    I *love* to sing "what can wash away my sin" too. :)

    Many blessings to you!

  2. Beautiful family! I love what you're doing with the kids on character. Hope you can join us on Thursdays:)
    Blessings to you and yours,

  3. Love it! What a sweet family. :)

  4. I love your honesty--that always helps me to assess myself when a "friend" :) has been open about her own shortcomings.

    I ADORE this family photo!
    AND I'm so happy to see you in some of the pics, Heather!

  5. Heather, all photos with me in them are courtesy of my sister!!! I'm usually the one taking them, so it is nice to have someone else around! Someday, I'll have built in help like you do.

    And I just love how friendships can spring up even though we have never met!

  6. Camille, isn't it such a simple yet wonderful song?!?!?

    Cassandra, it is wonderful to 'meet' you today!

    Christina, thanks for the sweet comment!

  7. Wonderful post! I have totally felt those ouch moments- God is pretty sneaky about that, isn't He? Have you read the book "Sacred Parenting" by Gary Thomas. It is incredible in outlining the exact things you're talking about here: God using parenting as a vehicle to refine us. Powerful! Thanks for this reminder to me today!
