Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's a...


With our previous three, we usually just hopped on the phone right after the ultrasound to blurt out the news.  This time, my sister and mom had the wonderful idea to have a revealing party!

Everyone was to come dressed in either pink or blue to reflect their vote!

So on Wednesday, Rich and I woke up and dressed according to our guess before heading over for the ultrasound.

Despite my insistence on refusing to have a 'gut' feeling this time around, I couldn't help but think boy.  Rich had always told me he would only give me boys and so far, he had been spot on.  Rich shocked me when he told me a few weeks back that he was thinking it was a girl...
 Well today was the day we would find out!

(Xander has been pretty consistently saying girl, but when it came down to the idea of a prize, he went with the higher probability guess.)


I bought little presents to reward those who had guessed correctly and consolation prizes for everyone else.
Inside one of these envelopes was tucked the answer for the lucky recipient to announce to everyone else!

 There was a bit of confusion, because the cute person with the correct answer didn't initially realize it...

 But then celebrating broke out...  My sister is sure that her reverse psychology on the baby worked! ;)
Of course, for some, the process of adjusting took a bit of time.  But there were no tears like he had threatened on the way over if it was a girl...

A girl?  A daughter? 

I'm in shock that we are no longer specialists.  I am thrilled and nervous all at the same time...  Is that normal?  Do any of you have any tips on raising daughters???

So there you have it, we now have three knights and a little lady!

Speaking of knights, I finally uploaded a pdf of our Knights Code of Conduct and Knight's Training log as I had promised, um, a couple of months ago...  

My boys are now thrilled that they will have a little girl to love, cherish and protect!  They plan to brush up again on their newfound chivalry skills!

(Thanks to my sister for taking most of the pictures!)


  1. So excited for you guys, Heather! How fun!

  2. I love it! What a great idea. And awesome pictures to document the day, too. :)

    ps - You will LOVE shopping for little girl clothes. Somehow they are more fun than boys! Someone's gotta work on that....

  3. Yay! Congratulations! You were teaching your boys to be knights for a great job of protecting their little sister! :)
    I, however, do not have any advice on raising girls!!

  4. Congrats! We had 2 girls and when I found out we were having a boy. I cried and told the dr that he was mistaken because I had no idea what to do with boys, LOL. That was almost 5 years ago and 2 boys later. I am so glad that the Lord gave me my boys : ) They are SOO different than the girls and I am still learning.

    Also, thanks so much for the encouraging words that you gave me about starting KONOS. We are loving it, I am just still not sure about not doing history chronologically. We have the time line and put it up this week. We used it as a way to review alot of the old testament studies that we did this year.
    Living Sola Graita

  5. woot!! so happy for you! you are such a great mama that a girl won't be a problem for you at all :) lots of love coming your way! look beautiful :)

  6. Yay!!! Heather that is wonderful! I'm so happy you guys are going to have a girl!

  7. Hooray, hooray!!! Get ready because EVERYTHING is about to change. Congratulations to all of you. What a wonderful blessing!

    (I could give you tips, but I know I have nothing figured out about girls, yet. Maybe by the time they're adults.)

  8. So happy for you Heather! After having two boys and then a girl, I can totally relate to both the euphoria and anxiety of the unknown! What a creative way to share the news. You look fantastic, by the way. It's so neat to see my childhood friend all grown up and living a happy life! Congrats!

  9. Congratulations Heather! I'm going to make you some cute headbands now!!!! :) We go today to find out the gender of our baby!

  10. That's awesome, Heather! What a fun way to celebrate! Girls are amazingly fun! I feel so blessed I have 2 by birth and one by marriage! what a gift from God!!!!

  11. !!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! So so so so happy to hear the news. (Though a boy would be delightful too :) ) Maybe she and Emsley will be buddies! Looking forward to seeing the boys treasure a little sister :) So awesome.

  12. What a wonderful memory filled treat this party must have been, better than the Super bowl imo! Wishing you and your baby girl the very best Heather. :) Now your mom can have a 'grand-darling' like me. ;) (three boys are still awesome of course!)

  13. Hurray!! Yay, girls! I'm so beyond excited for you! What a fun way to share it with everyone. Your family is the exact opposite of ours and we were also "experts" until our little man came along. He just finished choking his sister, assuring her he was only trying to love her. All of us girls just stood with our mouths open. Thankfully, I just came back from a homeschool convention today where one speaker prepared me for this very moment! LOL!
    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy the planning and excitement for your baby girl!
    I sooo can't wait to see the photos!

  14. YEAH! Girls are fun. You'll be a great mom to a girl. Congratulations!

  15. Marvelous news! And what a wonderful way to celebrate! Keith's pink get-up was interesting, Evangeline's expression priceless, all the pictures so fun. Your daughter will love this story!

  16. How WONDERFUL!!!! Just like our family! But, do not be will STILL be an expert...that never goes away. :) We didn't know our fourth was a girl until she was it was a real shock!! I like how you do the pink/blue party...too fun.

    Many blessings,

  17. Congratulations!! Little ladies are so different than little men but so much fun !!! You will have a blast!

  18. Hi! Neat blog & beautiful (or handsome!!! :) family! Found you on Circle of Moms. Homeschool mama to 6 boys here. Feel free to visit my blog any ole time!!!
