Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Delighting in the Days...

I'm ever so thankful for reminders to cherish each day and each season in life.  My oldest came down with a stomach bug in the middle of the night which put a kink in our plans for a swim date with their cousins.

So we had a quiet 'at home' day today.  Which really, after a busy weekend at the Arizona Homeschool Convention and a joyful house full of extended family visiting, wasn't all that bad.

We read books, watched a movie, baked fresh break and made a new batch of playdough.

I'm thankful that I have friends in the midst of all of life's seasons as it reminds me of the brevity of my own season.

Sickness doesn't last all that long.  On the cusp of turning 7, he still wants to cuddle.  Now that's a bonus.

And the sounds of joyful play never cease to delight me...

In our home, playdough is a full-contact, sound-effect laden activity.

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