Friday, December 7, 2012

Reason #542 Why Boys Need a Mom

My goal by the time he turns 18:
that he will have a working knowledge of what clothes pair with what and will consistently apply this knowledge on a regular basis...


  1. He dresses like PaPa (Randy's dad). Helen had to dress him if they were going some where. LOL! MiMa

  2. His outfit doesn't match? Looks good to me. :) Merry Christmas my friend.


  3. It's a nice thing to work toward here and there...but I wouldn't worry too much about making it one of the main things (I know you don't) I happen to be married to an AMAZING man who is a very loving, concerned, spiritual leader...he takes good care of me and our babies...and he would TOTALLY pick an outfit like that : ) Boys can turn into men who seek the Lord while still doing it in awkward clothing choices ;) Just be praying that he'll have a gracious wife who knows how to redirect his outfit choices without being too mean about it(this is something *I* have had to learn...and I'm probably still learning!)

  4. Dani - yes, thankfully if I don't meet this goal it isn't the end of the world... But it certainly doesn't hurt to try! :)

  5. But he is his father's child...and Rich does know how to dress! :-)
