Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Web Wonderings

I love how much information, encouragement and creative ideas are at our finger tips, thanks to the internet.  I found this video clip (If you can't see it, click here) when we were learning about the Armor of God last October.  I think I've watched it at least 15 times and have been inspired each and every time.  I just had to pass it along to you.

Speaking of the Armor of God, OhAmanda started a series on exploring this with her kids.  It is already chock full of wonderful ideas and inspiration to have these kinds of important spiritual conversations with your kids.  You can check out her introduction here.  She explores the Belt of Truth not once, but twice.  It is a series worth following!

I'm also so excited about the launch of Karen's new blog, Bible Based Homeschooling.  She describes what it looks like in her introductory post.  I'm pouring over her free Bible resources for the Kindle post right now!

Is anyone else out there homeschooling in the midst of sleep deprivation. {Raising hands like a looney lady over here.}  Poor Greta is either having horrible teething pain or a food intolerance flair because she has struggled these past few nights.  I've had to be extra mindful of my attitude and reaction in the midst of normal life with the boys...  So I found myself so encouraged when I read Megan's guest post over at So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler on the topic.

And finally, we are loving our foray into a study of the seasons (mostly for the 4 year old's benefit) and astronomy {have you seen our Astronomy Pinterest Board?}.  My poor guys are pretty confused on the whole fall/winter thing since in the last several weeks we've had the last of our leaves turn and fall from trees here in our desert home... Here was their initial assessment of what months go with what season here in Arizona.  Can any fellow Arizonans relate?

We've had fun exploring poetry as I help my four year old understand things like 'snow', 'frost' and stereotypical 'fall'.  So with poetry on the mind, I was super excited to find Stephanie's post on 10 Ways to Inspire our Children with Poetry.  I pinned it and am implementing some of her wonderful ideas!


  1. Wow. That video *was* super cool. I love that Jesus dwells w/in us--that's the best part of the armor of God. We get to depend on HIS mighty power!

    Thanks again for linking to me. :)


  2. The Armor of God video and the poetry for children link were blessings to me. Also the Alabaster Jar offerings you shared on FB-- thanks so much for all this good stuff!

  3. Love the perspective of which months belong to which seasons...too funny! LOL! And, yes...we truly are blessed to belong to our precious Saviour!!

    Have a great weekend Heather!


  4. Okay, so I just watched that video three times in a row and sent it to a few people and posted it on FB! Emily (8) said, "How come powerful and terrible videos make me want to believe so much?" :) Thanks for sharing.
