Sunday, March 11, 2012

Party On...

Proof that my kids do indeed eat sugar!

It definitely brings out the sillies.  Time spent around the dinner table, laughing, making silly faces - trying to outdo one another.  These are the memories that stick with us, don't they?

For Treyton's birthday, I found a dairy-free chocolate ganache recipe for the frosting.  I forgot to buy powdered sugar, so I was thrilled to find that it was sweetened with honey instead.

It was a huge hit with everyone, except him. 

He's a milk-chocolate guy through and through.  Alhough he found that by sprinkling the ganache with some of the bits of powdered sugar that I did have in the house, that it was more to his liking.   Thankfully, Treyton requested Rich's favorite dinner that night, so the ganache didn't totally ruin his evening...

Has it really been four years since we first met our little Trey-man face-to-face???

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