Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Always learning...

We had fun at learning day, even though there were only two boys. We've been learning about letter sounds, so we spent a part of the day mmmixing up some homemade playdough. Both boys LOVED getting to help out and enjoyed making letters, inchworms and whatever else struck there fancy with the fruits of their "mixing" labor.

Today we got to see Caden again. In order for Keegan to get a nap (so he'll be rested for his day or travel tomorrow) we swapped kids. Keegan stopped to take a nap with Zoe and Caden came with us for my monthly visit to the midwife. The boys loved exploring around the pond and waterfall outside the office as well as getting the chance to listen to this new little baby's heartbeat! To top it off, each boy was given a balloon!
Little do they know how much more familiar they will become with the plow as we get ready to start a farm theme for next month...
And lastly, I couldn't resist including a picture of my Keegan trying to wear my sunglasses during Learning Day!

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture with the arms around each other -- true blue friends!!! last a life time!!!
    And Keegan is getting soooo grown up.
