Monday, September 17, 2007

He's a Cubbie!

Last night was Alexander’s first night of Awana! My little boy is a Cubbie! Awana is an amazing Bible memory club whose purpose is to reach boys and girl with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was such a powerful tool during my childhood in helping me have a foundation solidly built in the Word. I continue to reap the benefits each day from the hundreds of verses committed to memory through this amazing program.

So it was with great anticipation that Xander and I set out last night. He loved singing songs, playing games and learning the verse/theme of the week. Not only did they not have a problem with me staying (since I didn't know anyone), but they actually offered! He fell asleep chanting “All have sinned”(Rom 3:23) and woke up still remembering! They learned about the meaning of this verse as well as, “...while we were sinners… Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8) It was so precious to see him grab a hold of these gospel truths explained in a way that even a 3 year old could understand. The book that we will be going thru does an amazing job at equipping the parents to really help their children explore these amazing truths at home before they talk about them again on Sunday evening during Cubbies. I am excited to have the accountability and guidance as I seek to teach him about the wonderful God we serve!

Pictures to come, as soon as he gets his little vest! :)


  1. And now you will learn the benfits of Awanas for the parent. Not only an exciting program for the kids, but a reason and a structure for teaching. And you will relearn those verses as well! :-)

  2. AWANA, wow that brings back so many memories! I loved it! I remember competing in sparks-o-rama...I think that is what it was called... you know the athletic part :-)

    Where is he taking it at?

  3. I am so glad you found an Awana's class for Xander. I remember taking the training years ago -- the kids were like little sponges!!
    Where are you going? Tell me more. We had special programs for the holidays & even things for Halloween that was Christ centered.

  4. Such good memories. I loved being a cubbie. We will definately need to see pictures, but maybe also a video of Xander saying one of the verses he memorizes. :-)

  5. We found a church that's right on Elliot just east of Hig. I'm so thankful that it is fairly close and does it on Sunday nights. Most programs meet on Wednesday nights which wouldn't work because that's caregroup night! I also love the fact that it is 5-7, so it doesn't interfere with bedtime. Since Sunday is our in-house date night, it still works perfectly for Rich and I to have the evening together!

    Tara, I did sparks-a-rama too. We probably played eachother. My favorite game was the four-way crawl!

    Mom, it is so weird (but cool) to experience similar things from the parents perspective. Similar and yet really different.
