Saturday, December 8, 2007

Time Flies...

I cannot believe it has been over 10 years now since I finished highschool. I was reminded about it this Thanksgiving as a year ago, we were at Rich's 10 year high school reunion.

What did mine look like? Oh wait, there was none. If I had, it would have looked something like this! ;)


  1. Is that supposed to be me in the kitchen baking?? Everyone knows you girls are better in the kitchen than me! Just the way I planned it, hee, hee!

  2. Mom, you are so clever! You've made us into these happy little housewives while you're off saving the world! Seriously, you modeled happiness in the home and now we're just walking in your steps. Thanks to you and Dad for homeschooling us and making our home such a delightful, godly environment!
