Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pure Delight!

I LOVE mornings like today's! This morning we straightened up the downstairs and then Rich did a good thorough vacuum. I just love having a decluttered, clean home. Even though it wasn't perfect, just having all of the toys put away, the counters cleared, the kitchen completely cleaned and the floors vacuumed just really makes me feel good! (Don't worry mom, I did not serious cleaning, heavy lifting, etc and rested frequently!) Than to top that off, the boys and I hung out in the backyard for the remainder of the morning. The weather is BEAUTIFUL! This is why people love Arizona so much! There was minimal squabbling and I had the opportunity to have a leisurely (only seldem interupted) time with God!

One of my favorite parts of being homeschooled while growing up was the flexibility to spend long periods of time in the Word and talking to God. Mom was always flexible and seemed to sense when I needed it and would let me wait on other school work until I was done. With each new season that I've entered into I've tried hard to recognize those opportunities. Some seasons have been easier to accomplish this than others. Full-time office work was probably the hardest season to accomplish this in, although with some creativity and intention, I was able to pull it off during the lunch hour. Being a full-time mommy has also proved challenging at times. Although I'm home, I have so many more responsibilities than when I was a child/teen. But the opportunities are still there as today demonstrated and I just have to be ready to slow down and enjoy them.

I've been so inspired by the life and writings of Brother Lawrence in the area of communing with God amidst everyday life. My desire is to live every moment in view of God and in relating with Him. As the pastor mentioned on Sunday, I want this to be true of my life:

Sorry to ramble, just had to share...

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