Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Brotherly Love

So I've posted about brotherly love before, but I don't think it will ever seem old to me.

As Treyton gets older it has been fun to see them become closer and have fun playing together. Treyton, my big 7 month old, is trying his hardest to keep up with his brothers. He's been army crawling for a month now and has started pulling up on things. He doesn't seem to care that I want him to stay little. Nope, he's bound and determined to play with those brothers of his...
And they want to be with him! Their latest obsession has been bounding upstairs with me when Trey wakes up from naps and joining him in his crib!
They are all pretty thrilled to be 3 men in a tub!


  1. They are just adorable! Trey will guite mobile by the time he gets here. Can't wait!

  2. Cute cute cute! That's great that they're enjoying being together! And so funny about the big boys wanting to jump in the crib. :)
