Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I love countdowns. It really helps the boys get a grasp on the concept of time. ...or at least help them while away the time until they get to do __ thing!

So when I saw this over at Make and Takes, I knew it was the perfect countdown for our trip back to St. Louis for Thanksgiving.

Each day we discuss what it means to be thankful and write down something that we are thankful for. When all of the feathers have been so written on, we get to hop on that plane to go see Mima and Pa!

I'm going back and forth on letting him creatively come up with things that he is thankful for (playing football inside) and teaching him about all of the wonderful things we can thank God for (food, our home, brothers, etc...). It's been a fun balancing act!


  1. we were also inspired by Make and Takes. I have a contest for a Thanksgiving book on my blog - if you want to leave a comment. :)

  2. What a great way to multitask - work on counting, numbers, colors, have an art project, and learn and practice character traits of patience and gratitude. And he is even having fun! :-)

  3. That is sooo cute! And educational! :)
