Saturday, November 15, 2008


I know most parents think their kid is gifted. Everybody seems to be jumping on the bandwagon these days claiming some kind of giftedness in their offspring...

But my kid really IS gifted. Really.

Treyton has it down to a science. With no help, prodding, encouraging or drilling, he manages to fill his diaper nearly EVERY time he gets in his crib. It's like he saves it up and doles it out carefully and methodically. He loves his mommy and wants to make sure she has ample opportunity to serve!

::sigh:: to do yet another load of cloth diapers. At least I'm not having to run to the store and throw more money away on diapers. And yes, I'm thankful for the opportunity to put aside my own selfishness and serve others. Really.


  1. Just laughing right now. However, love the little dragon!

  2. Um, I guess everyone has a different way of showing they care--?

  3. I must confess I liked the earliest morning feeding - I loved to nurse and watch the sun come up.... but change diapers? NO fun!
    Dragon bottom is cute, though.
