Friday, December 5, 2008


Yikes, I'm so far behind... Between a crazy week and a computer that hates me, I'm just now getting to this...

We had a wonderful week back in St. Louis. The only downer of the trip, was that Treyton didn't sleep well - AT ALL. But other than the joy of an almost 9mo acting like a colicky 4 week old, it was all good.

The boys LOVED playing pinball and shuffleboard on the vintage machines my antique collecting father-in-law owns.

There is never a dull moment at their house, as there are nooks and cranny’s everywhere in their sprawling home and interesting “things” inhabiting every corner! Just imagine being the kids in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe exploring the Professor’s house… My personal favorite this year was discovering that the 40’s-ish old wooden telephone booth with original phone in their basement still worked. I had fun calling Rich on the old rotary phone and the boys enjoyed opening and closing the doors to make the light go on and off…
The weather was beautiful. The air was crisp and the skies sunny! We enjoyed spending time exploring the woods in their backyard, playing golf and riding the trike and firetruck peddle car.
We actually "needed" the hats and mittens back there! :)

The cousins loved seeing eachother for a whole week!

We had the perfect finish to our week back there when we woke up on our last day there to find snow!!! The boys loved making snowballs!

And the baby loved trying to "eat" his snowball. Since he's my third baby, I didn't worry too much about how dirty that snow was...

And of course, no trip anywhere is complete without me forgetting and leaving something behind. This year was record setting in value - both monetary and sentimental. I left my wedding rings there... They are on their way to my very lonely finger.

(Of course, as a typical blame-shifter, I'm pointing my ringless finger at Keegan. He decided to chuck a matchbox car into the opening for the stereo speaker about an hour before we left and I took my rings off so I could fit my hand inside and retrieve the car. I guess I can also blame Treyton for leaving me in a severely sleep-deprived state and thus forgetting to put my rings back on... But really, I have a long track-record of leaving things behind.)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip! I have to see Mima and Pa's magical house someday...
