Monday, January 18, 2010

Changing Perspective...

Today was just one of those days when nothing seems to go quite right - patience at zero, unexpected sad news, forgotten laundry in the drier, discovered horribly wrinkled, running late and low on everything, mind racing on anything and everything, but the task at hand.

It's days like this when I really need to slow down and realize how blessed I really am.  It is time to go to scripture and get myself grounded in His perspective...

Forgiveness and grace.  Basking in both, right now.

I will get back to regular blogging.  Really.  But for today it will just be some more for my gratitude list:

58. getting to see my boys spend time with my Opa!  As a loving husband, father, faithful servant to our country (career-military) it is an incredible blessing for my children to have the opportunity to be with him and celebrate yet another year having him out here in Arizona!

59. boys eager to learn.

60. grace extended to me - from them, as I figure out how to teach them!

61. the opportunity to study the book of Daniel with some amazing women.

62. the glisten of excitement in my boys eyes as we head back to Bible study!

63. dreams and plans shared with me as a sister plans a move into her new home!

64. getting to spend all day Saturday studying the Bible and learning how to help others study the most popular book of all time!

65. a husband who watched the 3 boys for the day so I could have this escape.

66. and then heroically took care of all of us that night and next morning when I didn't feel well.

67. rain.  I love rain.  It makes me feel clean, refreshed and ready to face a new day and new challenges.

68. toddler cries of delight over BOOKS and begging for more.

69. a three year old who is eager to memorize and practice his memory verses for Awanas.

70. the laughter enjoyed by viewing toddler wardrobe combinations! 

holy experience


  1. Thank you, and your husband, for the sacrifices you all make for me, my family and our country! Great picture of your children and their Opa.

  2. So nice to see your little ones and read your list! May your week by full of gratitude.

    Crystal (coming by via Holy Experience)
