Monday, June 7, 2010

The Gift of the Spirit-Led Life

Today has been a crazy day.  I'm in the thick of trying to pull a couple of big projects together including a geography game that is proving to be a lot more challenging than I originally thought it would be.  That seems to be how most creative projects work out for me...   It's hard to get the idea in my head to come together in real life.  I guess you could say I've discovered multiple ways that it WON'T work.  :sigh: 

But I didn't want to just let my day end trying to pull those things together and not take time to reflect on God's goodness.

I feel like God is doing a work on my thinking and how I am living.  It has been a common theme that has resurfaced over and over again in my life.  What does it look like to live a Spirit-led life?  

It is a good thing that there are so many different seasons and circumstances in life.  If there weren't, being the creature of habit that I am, I would be content to go on autopilot and have no need for God at all.

But my life seems to be in a constant state of change and I am so thankful for it.  Each day, I need to seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit who provides direction, comfort and power to do what He has called me to do.

Every day is different, but the Spirit never changes.  Learning to let the Spirit lead in my life is beautiful, exciting and scary all at the same time.

My sister recently told me about the free audio download this month of Francis Chan's new book, Forgotton God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit.  I'm only halfway thru it, but loving it so far.  After the time we spent on preparing for and meditating on Pentecost, this has been especially powerful to read.

Thinking about the Holy Spirit's work in my life reminds me of how much I have to be thankful for...

285. that the Holy Spirit dwells inside of me - guiding me, directing me, comforting me, changing me.
286. hearing that still small voice in the midst of the noise and chaos of life.
287. quick, miraculous and specific answers to prayer.
288. early morning boy giggles.
289. late-night whispered conversations with my hubby after we've gone to bed.
290. air-conditioning, especially on a day like today with temperatures over 110 degrees.
291. brother-camaraderie
292. experiencing a special connection with my middle bit this week.  Oh God is so good.
293. my week of taking a computer break.  Sweet time with my boys, special time with God and a much calmer mommy.
294. fellowship and fabulous finds at a used curriculum fair!
295. the early morning quiet.

Working my way towards recounting 1,000 of His gifts...  Want to join?

holy experience


  1. Heather,
    Living a spirit filled life is not is taking the road less traveled. I was encouraged by your blog today as I read what you posted. I encourage you as you make that commitment each day to live a life set apart, a life filled with the spirit, a life that is full of His spirit that produces sweet fruit in your life.
    I join you in gratitude for answered prayer, for late night cuddle and conversation time with hubby and for glorious air conditioning!
    Such a lovely post!

  2. Lovely to "meet" you! Isn't the "gratitude community" a blessing to be a part of? How wonderful to be giving thanks continually...your list is beautiful. I like the "boy giggles" in the morning...although sometimes THAT can happen too early! I have three boys just like you...I understand!! :)

