Monday, December 8, 2008

A Good Place

The last couple of weeks have been challenging on the mommy front. Challenging is an understatment some days. While it feels that not much is getting done around our home and that patience with little one's is running thin, I am so thankful for times like this because it brings me to the end of myself. And that is exactly where God wants me - recognizing my need and depending on him.

I was encouraged this evening as I read this post from Holy Experience.

"The pounding surf of raising children, the fiery furnace of mothering, leaves me with little to physically hold at the end of the day. But are the most significant things in our lives things we can tangibly touch? Visibly see? Won’t the majority of our work, the laundry, the housecleaning, the meal-making, while necessary acts of service, just too burn up?"

My focus should be on what will last. And so I'm driven to prayer and feasting on scripture. God is always faithful and I'm in a good place...

"So a mother kneels. So a mother gets up and works and prays, prays and works. Because the prayers we weave into the matching of socks, the stirring of oatmeal, the reading of stories, they survive fire.

Aren’t the prayers of our days more important than the products of our days?"


  1. WOW, just what I need today, this week, this month, etc.! ;) No really, that was very encouraging, thank you!

  2. You read Holy Experience too? Nice.

    It is so hard to focus on eternal things when the to do list is staring you in the face! It's so wonderful that you can see your dependence on God as a blessing!

  3. Thanks for these words to encourage my heart in the midst of very similar trials!

  4. Thanks for these encouraging words in the midst of very similar trials!
