Monday, February 9, 2009

11 months

My little guy is growing up. Today he is 11 months old. This last month has seen a lot of changes. While he has always been a little man on the move, he transitioned this last month to walking. Now he is working on running. This kid is everywhere! He is actively trying to play with his brothers, specifically Keegan. Keegan is working on having patience to play (gently) with his brother and relinquish toys from time to time.
Given the time of year, football is still at the forefront of boys thoughts in these parts. Treyton is no exception. He has been walking around the house lately, football in hand. Many times, he carries it like this:
But more often, he prefers to hold it at the base of his neck, as if getting ready to throw it!

We love this stage and are cherishing every little moment of these first weeks of toddling around!


  1. It's amazing how big he's getting! I love the football behind the neck pic! Adorable!

  2. He is so trying to catch up to his brothers! He is a delight to watch, and you really caught him in the football pics!
