Sunday, April 19, 2009


I've been meaning to observe the Unplugged Week (sometimes known as TV Turn-off week) for a couple of years. Now that I don't have an internet business, it is actually more of a possibility this year. I was convicted this last year when I read that this week was not just about turning the TV off, but limiting ALL screen time.


We don't watch much TV/movies and the kids watch very little. We make exceptions when they are sick, we are flying and now for an occasional special treat.

So naturally, since we already limit TV/movie time, I've always been an advocate of weeks like this. Well, now they are talking about the importance of limiting computer screen-time too. This is where it hurts. I LOVE my internet!
It's so much easier to limit stuff for the boys, but putting a limit on myself????? Yikes.

I felt led to give up computer time on Thursdays and Sundays during the weeks leading up to Easter. It was not easy, but so good for me. The undistracted time with the kids during the day and my hubby or a good book at night were delightful.
This showed me that I could indeed unplug. So here we go.
My Goals:
Baby steps, but steps none the less.
No internet, email or computer time Monday thru Friday afternoon. I'll break my "fast" on Friday night!

Instead I plan on using this time to read more to my kids, get chores done that I've neglected, jump into my pile of great books that I've been 'meaning' to read and spend more time with Rich!
So whether or not you take a drastic plunge or just dip your toes into limiting screen time this next week, give it a shot. I know we have benefited from limiting our TV time and I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes to stop staring at this delightfully hypnotizing computer screen of mine.
Some helpful and interesting links:

Center for Screen Time Awareness ~ info on unplugged week

Unplug your Kids ~ awesome blog hosting the blog challenge and chock full of delightful resources to do with your kids instead of turning on the TV.

Recent Research on the effects of screen-time on young children

The Green Hour ~ Ideas on how to interact with your kids out in nature!

Local TV Turn-off Week activities ~ fun, FREE local activities to get your kids out and doing something else! Did I mention FREE?!?!?!?



  1. Heather! I usually just read through Google Reader... but I just saw your new page design and it looks really cool! Just thought I'd tell ya! Hope you guys are all doing really well. (and I know I've told you this, but you're seriously so inspiring...thanks for blogging!)

  2. ahhhhhhhhh, thanks Bethy and Rachel.

    So thankful my 'fast' is over! :)

  3. Thanks for the links! I certainly want to decrease our screen time naturally and permanently. For those of us who participated in the blog challenge I've offering a giveaway at my blog thanks to Light-beams Publishing.
