Families tacked up blankets to give themselves a little privacy aboard the Mayflower. Although we couldn't mimic the crowded conditions aboard, we did decide to set up some "living quarters".
Our quarters were a bit fragile (playing football in and around quarters, as well as a 20 month old on the loose has a way of doing that).
After some finagling we were set for our day. To get in the mood, the boys decided to dress the part!
As I mentioned before, I ended up putting together our meal all by myself. Did little pilgrim boys not cook? They seemed to think so...
Due to 'severe' (imaginary) storms, we had dinner in our living quarters below deck.
We dined on stale biscuits, dried meat and cheese. In a departure from historical accuracy, we didn't go for worm-infested food... No one really complained, except daddy. But I don't think any of us would be thrilled with a diet of this and very little else.
Later that night we bedded down for the night in our tight quarters. They had a blast and think living on the Mayflower would be lots of fun. Mommy, on the other hand, is so thankful for modern day comforts like a dry home, soft mattress and SPACE! One night of my feet sticking out of our living quarters and little limbs smacking me was enough.
Maybe in the future, they will grasp how hard life was on the Mayflower and how incredibly easy we have it nowadays... For now they enjoyed stepping into another life for a while.
Part 2 of our Pilgrim learning adventure found here.
Measuring - A lesson in comparison - Noah's Ark vs. the Mayflower.
Favorite Thanksgiving/Pilgrim/Mayflower Books of ours:
The Story of Thanksgiving ~ This charming board book is the perfect introduction to Thanksgiving for the 1-4 year old. We loved reading it last year, but were unable to get it from the library in time, this year...
Pilgrim Cat
On the Mayflower: Voyage of the Ship's Apprentice and a Passenger Girl
You Wouldn't Want To Sail On The Mayflower!: A Trip That Took Entirely Too Long
. . . If You Sailed on the Mayflower in 1620
Off to Plymoth Rock! ~ This lyrical, rhyming book is the first book Xander ever received. When my mom gave it to me at the Thanksgiving of 2003, none of us knew that Xander was growing inside of me! The hopeful grandma had signed it - 'from Mom/MIL/sometime Oma.' Subtle mom, real subtle. ;)
Squanto And The Miracle Of Thanksgiving
Samuel Eaton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Boy
Sarah Morton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl
Tapenum's Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy In Pilgrim Times
You are such a great mom & a great teacher. Looks like alot of fun. Ask Rich about camping out with the boy scouts -- Randy always snuck away to the van to sleep.