Monday, November 1, 2010

Choosing to Count

Most days counting God's many blessings in my life just comes naturally.  It is a joy.  It is easy.

But sometimes, the fact that we live in a fallen world becomes so painfully clear that it takes the grace of God and a firm resolve to choose gratitude.

Xander has been working on memorizing I Thessalonians 5:17-18

Pray continually.

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

It is easy to recite this, but not as easy to live this.

I find it ironic, no providential that we would be reviewing this verse daily right now.

This last week, we walked through the loss of our second child.  Our first miscarriage occurred 7 years ago, yesterday.  Last week, we travelled down that difficult road once again.  Navigating the path of grief, with its twists and turns, is never easy.  But in all this God has been so faithful.  I have had a peace that only comes from Him.

So I choose to record more of his gifts for me. 

holy experience

435. For comfort during the quiet night hours when I've been alone with my thoughts and the tears come.
436. For scripture memory work that applies to me today, providing comfort, perspective and direction.
437. For boys who were sensitive to mommy not 'feeling well' this week.
438. For a giggle in the midst of sadness.  This little boy still needs mommy's guidance with dressing.
439. For grace from God when I cried out for help to be kind and gentle in my interactions with my children while navigating through grief.
440. For a sister who put aside her plans for the week and came over to help.
441. For a loving and supportive family.
442. For strong husband arms that envelope and soothe me.

443. Xander - my inquisitive, empathetic first-born.

444. Keegan - my loyal, strong, reflective second-born.  (This borrowed helmet has rarely left his head this last week!)
445. Treyton - my energetic, active, affectionate third-born.
446. For the hope of more blessings in the future.
447. Homeschool support group friends who graciously allowed me to cancel hosting and speaking at a meeting last week, even though I wasn't quite up for telling them why.
448. For an Oma day, so my boys could still go to music class and have a chance to play soccer with her!
449. For lots of time curled up on the couch reading and cuddling with my boys.
450. Lessons revisited and more bean-bag tossing...  (That was Xander's verse from the week before this one.  God is so kind to prepare me.)
451. For dim lights at church yesterday that freed me up to worship and not worry as the tears came.
452. While recognizing that we live in a fallen world, finding comfort that I don't have to walk alone.  He is always there.

I would love your prayers...


  1. oh, my dear, sweet friend. i am grieving for your loss. words cannot make it better, but i know how your heart aches. i will be lifting you up in prayer as your mourn and, eventually, heal... but not forget. love you.

  2. Prayers are continuing for you. May His peace settle deep in your soul and may hope arise.

  3. Trusting Him with you....I am so sorry. Looking forward to meeting all these beloved ones who never had to suffer this fallen world (we have one ahead of us as well).

  4. so sorry to hear of your loss. I will pray for the peace that passes understanding for you.

  5. Heather I am so so very sorry. My heart aches with your family. I am and will be praying for you.

  6. Heather, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss!!! My heart grieves for you, for I know the deep pain! I am & will be praying for you, dear one!

  7. Thank you ladies for you kind words and condolences. It means a lot.

  8. Heather, I had no idea. I have been absent from your blog for a few weeks. My prayers are late, but they are with you and your family. Thank you for allowing us to grieve with you.
    James 1:2
    Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
