Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Play Week

 Our lives are a bit crazy this week with rehearsals every morning and a performance every night (Tues-Fri) this week.  Xander enjoyed his experience in Cheaper by the Dozen last year so much, that we decided to give it another try!

This year, he plays a young orphan boy in Anne of Green Gables.

Not having a husband who works from home, made this year far more challenging.  But the end is in sight.  He did a fantastic job last night and as long as we can snatch enough sleep and downtime, we'll make it through the end of the week!


  1. So exciting! Wish I could see it ;)
    Our kids will be in Peter Pan so we're looking forward to that. What a great homeschool activity.
    Beautiful photos!

  2. Wow! We like to get involved in the community theater as a family, too. Lots of great experiences and memories!
