Sunday, December 30, 2012

Top 12 Posts from 2012

So, I'm coming back just a bit early from my blog break.  Our family had so much fun this evening discussing the highlights of 2012 over a bowl of popcorn.  Boys eyes sparkled as they kept gushing about favorite memories...  I'm in a slightly sleep deprived state (thanks to a bout of insomnia last night) and had to pull out my calender to refresh my memory on what we did. 
A recent highlight for the boys was our wild flight to St. Louis!  Watching airplanes is always a hit, but nothing quite compared with the thrill of landing in windy conditions with a nice sharp pitch to the side and touching down on only one set of wheels...

It was good to revisit the ups and downs of the last year as we eagerly look forward to what 2013 holds for our family.

All of this looking back and planning forward got me thinking about this trusty ol' blog!  So I decided to take a look back and see what some of the years top posts were. 

In no particular order, here are 12 of the most popular posts from 2012!

As part of of our summer "Daily Outdoor Challenge" we loved finding creative ways to take nature walks and then sharing them with you!
While we may not have typical forests, we do still love to hear the wind whistling around saguaro's...  It is always good to slow down and get outdoors!
We loved making this wordless book as we explored the beauty of the gospel and living a spirit-filled life!
I'm always thankful for a fresh reminder of the importance we have as parents to train and prepare our children for whatever the future may hold.  Don't panic.  Pray and Prepare!
As mothers, we are cultivating the very culture that will shape who they become...
Talking about cradle rocking and culture creating got me to thinking and applying my mission in real-life. Easier said than done, but very necessary.
7. Tale of Two Kingdoms
Our exploration of the spiritual realm and importance of putting on our spiritual armor was a definite highlight this year with oh so many applications and high appeal for this boy-heavy household!

Pondering the phrase, There is so much to the phrase, "Better caught than taught," as I watch the boys try to fill their daddy's shoes. What kind of example are we living?
9. The Perils of Preschool One of my passions is the preschool years and having a playful, developmentally appropriate approach to 'academics' during this time.  It's also important to laugh often...
Oh the benefits of homeschooling is that you aren't tied down by location and format for daily learning adventures. 
As we made our way through our blistering desert summer, we learned to embrace the heat and even utilize it during our adventures outdoors.
Book, books, books.  Oh how we love books over here.  It was a treat to compile and share some of our favorite wordless books and share why wordless books deserve a place in your read-aloud time!
What a fun year.
Bring on 2013!

1 comment:

  1. you should know-- you are an inspiration to me. your blog a treasure trove of ideas and wisdom and encouragement. how you manage to do all this and be awesome and have the same number of kids i have is a wonder to me... but i'm glad you do. :) happy new year. :)
